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Campaigns Team

The Campaigns Team creates resources to assist chapters in successfully operating and executing campaigns.

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Chief Campaigns Officer

Maegha Ramanathan (she/her) is a high school student at Dublin High School! From a young age, she has always been passionate about change-making and community service, and has gained over 200 volunteer hours solely dedicated to changing the environment--which is part of why she joined GENup. As a Campaigns Director of GENup, she helps design toolkits for chapters and ideates ways GENup can improve and expand. Apart from GenUp, she is a passionate swimmer, debater, and volunteer at many organizations.

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Director of Campaign Development

Anuj Patel (he/him) is a first year at Claremont McKenna College studying Biology and Public Policy. His interest in politics began in high school, when he joined the California board of Students Against Voter Suppression. Serving on both the state and national board, he grew an appreciation for large-scale as well as grassroots policy change. This inspired him to start his own organization focused entirely on local organizing. He has been involved in bills to institute an ethnic studies graduation requirement in California and expand menstrual product access in high schools across the state. He hopes to incorporate his interests in policy and healthcare to advocate for student health at GENup.

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Director of Campaign Development

Grace Yang (she/her) is a junior at Sage Hill School, is passionate about educational equity and policy, and is an advocate of implementing DEI initiatives in a learning environment. She enjoys reading all sorts of books from nonfiction like The Pedagogy of the Oppressed to fiction like Slaughterhouse Five. She is also an avid writer and enjoys studying history. At school, she is the president of the National History Day club at her school and a member of the AAPI affinity group, where they organize different DEI initiatives to spread awareness and appreciation for all different Asian and Pacific Islander cultures.

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Director of Campaign Development

Myroslava Fisun (she/her) is an incoming sophomore at UC Berkeley studying Society and Environment with plans to pursue graduate studies in law. Her interests in politics and activism began early in high school where she immersed herself in grassroots organizing with the Sunrise Movement. This role allowed her to gain experience in lobbying, something she has been passionate about ever since. Myroslava has been involved in political advocacy for around four years now and has traveled to Washington D.C. on multiple occasions to meet directly with lawmakers for issues she cares deeply about -- from gender equality to environmental conservation. At UC Berkeley, she is involved with student government, represents the voices of students in various advisory boards, and figure skates competitively with Cal Figure Skating. She is excited to now be a part of GENup where she can help advocate for equitable and accessible education.

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Director of Campaign Development

Kate Landeros (she/her) is a student at Beaumont High School. She is passionate about advocating for underrepresented and marginalized communities, striving to uplift voices and show that everyone is capable of creating change. As an active member of her school community, she participates in various youth government and cultural groups, working diligently to implement DEI initiatives and promote awareness. Kate is also dedicated to volunteer work, contributing her time to different community service projects. In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with her family, walking her dog, and watching Netflix.

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Director of Campaign Development

Arvind Salem (he/him) is a student at Novi High School in Novi, Michigan. He is active in many political organizations including High School Democrats of America, the Institute for Youth in Policy, New Way Forward Strategies, and U.S. RENEW NEWS, with a foccus on breaking down complicated political issues, culminating in the publication of his book Intro To Politics: A Student's Guide.

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Director of Campaign Development

Sidharrth Parvath (he/him) Sidharrth Parvath (he/him) is a Dublin High School Junior of the DUSD residing in the Californian East Bay. In the 6th grade he was first introduced to environmental advocacy where he co-hosted various tree planting events and participated in numerous environmental consciousness and action summits. Ever since this initial exposure, he has promoted environmental activism and advocacy as a member of the EarthEcho-GenSea Youth Leadership community - advocating for global ocean preservation - and a Mentorship Intern at Tree-Plenish - assisting over 200 schools nationwide host successful tree-planting events to combat over 100,000 tons of annual carbon emissions. Sid has brought the initiatives of both these organizations to his local community by hosting/co-hosting over 5 tree-planting events and by participating in various ocean/beach cleanups in the Greater Bay Area all with the greater goal of cultivating a strong sense of environmental activism among his fellow volunteers. Sid has also devoted himself to advocacy campaigns aimed at raising mental health awareness and reducing mental health stigma in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. After suffering from pandemic-related mental health issues and realizing how the harsh stigma surrounding the topic directly correlates to worse conditions firsthand, he strived to make sure that others would not face the same impediments on their own mental health journeys. As a certified National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) youth officer, he co-founded the Dublin High NAMI charter club (NCHS) to combat the demoralizing mental health stigma adolescents face all too often. Dublin NAMI has participated in numerous mental health forums, coordinated its own workshops and presentations, and even hosted on-campus yoga events! He is currently working with the local Alameda County 888 youth resource team on an annually recurring PSA project designed to impact all incoming DUSD high school freshmen for at least 2 years. In his down time, you can catch Sid crafting architectural designs, skating, playing basketball, or playing the drums, the cajon, the piano, the tabla, and the mridangam with his band.

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